Proverbs 27:17
The Men’s Ministry seeks to encourage and equip Christian men in their unique
responsibilities to be the spiritual leader of their household.
Whether single or married, in the work place or leisure time, we challenge them
toward maturity as a man of God and a servant of Jesus Christ.
responsibilities to be the spiritual leader of their household.
Whether single or married, in the work place or leisure time, we challenge them
toward maturity as a man of God and a servant of Jesus Christ.
MeN's Ministry Leader

Jim Humphrey
I did not grow up in a Christian home, in fact, I did not meet the Lord Jesus Christ until I was 30 yrs. old. I came to the Lord in August of 1996 and have been serving the Lord since. I started attending Calvary Chapel in 2005 and I have served in men's ministry, youth ministry, young family ministry, counseling and addiction recovery ministry. Previously, I was the Youth Pastor and am currently serving as the Assistant Pastor, Interim Vice President of the Board and Interim Teaching Pastor. I am the father of two grown sons, a father-in-law of two beautiful daughters-in-law and Grandpa of four little ones.
The many opportunities available for the men in our church include the following:
Weekly Bible Studies
The Men’s Bible Study meets on Monday & Tuesday evenings. Following the example of the Sunday service, a book of the Bible is chosen and studied chapter- by-chapter and verse-by-verse through the completion of the Book. Included with reading the scriptures, the men rely upon the Holy Spirit to provide interpretation and how the scriptures apply to them to help them grow in the Lord. Opportunities are provided for each participant to lead one of these studies as the Lord has given them the spiritual growth to do so.
The Men’s Bible Study meets on Monday & Tuesday evenings. Following the example of the Sunday service, a book of the Bible is chosen and studied chapter- by-chapter and verse-by-verse through the completion of the Book. Included with reading the scriptures, the men rely upon the Holy Spirit to provide interpretation and how the scriptures apply to them to help them grow in the Lord. Opportunities are provided for each participant to lead one of these studies as the Lord has given them the spiritual growth to do so.
Monthly Breakfast
The men meet the 4th Saturday of each month for a time of fellowship, food and teaching. A pancake style breakfast is provided for free and a 20–30 minute teaching. Usually, a yearly theme is provided that includes several outline items for the teachers to following and present to the men. Time for fellowship is always available before the breakfast is served and after the teaching.
The men meet the 4th Saturday of each month for a time of fellowship, food and teaching. A pancake style breakfast is provided for free and a 20–30 minute teaching. Usually, a yearly theme is provided that includes several outline items for the teachers to following and present to the men. Time for fellowship is always available before the breakfast is served and after the teaching.
Yearly Retreat
Once a year, a 3-day retreat is offered to the men of our congregation. From Friday night through Sunday morning, the men are fed physically and spiritually to strengthen them in the Lord. Retreat dates and location are well published in advance on our website and the weekly bulletin.
Once a year, a 3-day retreat is offered to the men of our congregation. From Friday night through Sunday morning, the men are fed physically and spiritually to strengthen them in the Lord. Retreat dates and location are well published in advance on our website and the weekly bulletin.
Men’s Conference
Periodically, we participate in a Calvary Chapel Men’s Conference that is hosted by a Southern California church or location.
Periodically, we participate in a Calvary Chapel Men’s Conference that is hosted by a Southern California church or location.

Timothy Ministry
As opportunities arise, the men of our congregation come together to assist those in need around their house, or car or around the church.
As opportunities arise, the men of our congregation come together to assist those in need around their house, or car or around the church.
Opportunities to attend/participate in seminars, conferences and retreats are available to all men to enhance their overall spiritual well-being and fellow- shipping with other Christian men.
Counseling is also provided to assist men in recovering from the many addictions that are offered in this world.

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast
Join us for a free pancake breakfast, some great fellowship, and inspired teachings
Grounded Cafe'
4th Saturday of every month at 8:00 am
210 E. Springer Avenue
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
210 E. Springer Avenue
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Tuesday Lunch @ Casey's
Tuesday Lunch
Join us for fellowship, good food, and God's Word
Casey's Steaks and Barbeque
Every Tuesday at 12:00 pm
1337 N China Lake Blvd
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
1337 N China Lake Blvd
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
Bible Studies & Home Fellowsips
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
We have several different Bible Studies and Home Fellowships to help you stay connected throughout the week and month. Visit our Events Calendar to find a Bible Study or Home Fellowship