Calvary Chapel Ridgecrest Vacation Bible School
We believe that VBS offers a unique and exciting opportunity to make an eternal difference in kids’ lives. Calvary’s VBS is open to kids 4 years of age through 5th grade. You can count on Calvary presenting a focus on Jesus and His message of salvation. We believe that evangelism is what VBS is all about. Along with an emphasis on evangelism and rich Bible teaching, we make it fun for the kids with high-energy games, cool crafts, snacks, awesome music, and fun skits to reinforce the gospel message.
In addition to learning about Jesus, the children are taught the importance of giving. Also, every year the children bring in an offering that goes to a Missions outreach. For the past six years their offering has averaged $2,000 to support missionary outreaches as far away as Mexico, Moldova, South Africa and locally to the Pregnancy Care Center and Military Families Christmas food. This is a weeklong event that is usually held the 2nd week of
June or July.
In addition to learning about Jesus, the children are taught the importance of giving. Also, every year the children bring in an offering that goes to a Missions outreach. For the past six years their offering has averaged $2,000 to support missionary outreaches as far away as Mexico, Moldova, South Africa and locally to the Pregnancy Care Center and Military Families Christmas food. This is a weeklong event that is usually held the 2nd week of
June or July.

VBS Ministry Leader
Heather Graham
My name is Heather. I have attended Calvary Chapel Ridgecrest my whole life. I have been involved in Sunday School for 20 years. I started helping with VBS in 2008 and I am very excited to be the Director this year. I think that Children's Ministry is the most important thing in my life. Experiencing children learning about God is truly amazing! I know that learning about God early in life is very important. This fact has always drawn me to children's ministry. I have seen God work in the lives of children over the years and feel blessed to be a part of it. Being able to see God work in their hearts and lives is truly incredible. I want VBS to be a wonderful experience for each and every child who attends this year's Vacation Bible School. I pray that they feel God's love in everything we do. -Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 NKJV -